
August’s First Ski Trip: Park City

February 20, 2021

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Welp, we did it! We strapped Augie into a pair of skis before he could walk. Sorry for being pushy parents, but we couldn’t wait to share our love of the mountains! Our first ski trip as a family of three took place in Park City, Utah. This was our first time skiing in Park City and we absolutely LOVED it! While we didn’t get as much skiing in as usual with a 10-month-old in tow, we had phenomenal time enjoying the outdoors with our booper! Here’s how we spent our time in Park City:

Day 1:

We arrived midday and grabbed lunch in Salt Lake City before making the short drive to Park City. Augie napped in the car on the way to our airbnb. After we got settled in we went for a walk around town to get our bearings. There was a cute park next to the library near our airbnb where the kids could sled and play in the snow. We walked main street and peeped at some neat art galleries and restaurant choices for the week. In the evening we picked up some groceries and got dinner from

Day 2:

We woke up early to hit the slopes. Grandma generously offered to watch Augie in the morning so we could get out and explore the mountain. In the afternoon we took Augie to the park to try on his skis. He wasn’t used to having boots strapped to his feet so it was more of a photo opportunity than a ski run, but still fun to see our baby in skis! He did love sledding down the small hill with dad, however! After Augie’s afternoon nap I put him in his child carrier and went for a little hike. We got tapas for dinner from 710 Bodega, which was excellent!

Day 3:

Alex skied in the morning, while I stayed back with Augie and we played and went to the park. In the afternoon I explored some runs with my family while Alex hung back with Augie. The skiing was fantastic for families. There were tons of nice long green runs for my six-year-old nephew and some easy blues that ran along side them that I enjoyed. Skiing during a pandemic had the advantage of no lines for lifts and plenty of room on the slopes. That evening we ordered dinner from the Twisted Fern.

Day 4:

I hung back with Augie in the morning while everyone else went skiing. We walked down to Atticus Tea Room and grabbed a latte and scone. In the afternoon Grandma watched Augie while Alex and I went out for some runs by ourselves. We got a hot cocoa at the top of the mountain like we always used to when it was just us two on ski trips.

In the evening Grandma babysat the kids and we went out to dinner with my brother and sister-in-law. We wanted to try Riverhorse on Main, but didn’t plan ahead enough and they were full. So we went to Cafe Terigo instead. It was a quiet, romantic-ish spot where we had a delicious cocktail and meal.

Day 5:

Packed up our bags and headed home.

Overall it was a fantastic ski trip! I could have stayed much longer, but we enjoyed our quick trip. Park City was incredibly easy to get to from the airport and our travels probably went the fastest and easiest that it has ever gone – even with a baby in tow! I, of course, would have liked to explore a lot more that Park City has to offer, but between the pandemic and the-ten month-old we spent a bit more time in the airbnb than usual. I’m looking forward to coming back to ski here sometime in the future!

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